Saturday, December 27, 2008

Empower Your Destiny!

The Seeds of greatness are on the inside of you. You have the power to make them grow. Move beyond the limitations others have set for you. Refuse failure it is only an event and a place in time…it is not your life. To be a success you only have to get up one more time than you have fallen down. Life takes a lot of practice, getting it right is an adventure. Getting it wrong reveals one path you can avoid the next time that situation shows up. Use this as an opportunity for growth.

Refuse to beat up on yourself with I could have, I should have scenarios and skip the "if only" ruminations. When relationships cannot be restored after a misstep, let them go without burning bridges Hindsight is often 20/20 and can be used as a strategy for the next round in life. Life is like driving a car…if you look backwards while in motion your direction loses focus and allows distortion. These distortions promote conflict and confusion. Just move on. Remember to forgive others and celebrate yourself.

1 comment:

Geli said...

I am so glad that you finally blog your wisdom and experience!

The world will be richer for what you have to offer. Your resilliance, your relentless fight to never give up on the most excellent path before you is a triumph and a credit to you!

I love your first blog, and await eagerly the next ones.

Love and blessings,